Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Italia, meet the east van bike revolution

Three nights in Torino, and we're off.

Tim and I greet each other as old soldiers who have not seen each other in ages, trading war stories and battle scars.

We're up at a respectable hour monday and set off in the direction of Milano. 129.99 km in the first day, 6.5 hours of riding.

Italia watch out, we're going to tear the asphalt off your roads.


nikcee said...

does italy knows treasures lurk in its midst?

or is it cowering in fear?

simon said...

cowering in fear I think, after what tim and I did to milano.

We hooned it up so bad in traffic that a couple of people possibly had heart attacks and one guy on a scooter caught up to tim to ask him 'where are you guys from?

Chris the Biking Penguin said...

Viva la veloruzione!

Johnny Harpoon said...

better watch out, simon. they're probably gonna put up wanted posters for you two all along commercial drive when you get back.

ain't european gridlock fun?