Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What exactly IS that thing attached to your bike?

I get this question pretty much more than any other (sometimes more than 'where are you from').

Its a mallet. For bike polo. Thats right, I'm wandering Europe looking for bike polo (amongst other things, of course). I got to play with some pros in paris, but I'll leave that story till I get around to my 'Paris post.'

Theres recently been lots of good press and info popping up on the web about the hometown club I helped found and am getting a little despondent about leaving behind. I know they're all going to thrash me when I get back after a summer of slack, while they have all been playing thrice a week.

Anyway, if you are reading this blog and are curious about what that mallet is for, I give you East Van Bike Polo!

Watch it in video Here
or read about it in the Globe and Mail

I'mm finally about to leave Toulouse after an unexpectedly long, but quite pleasant stay. Three couches surfed and some good new people met. My body and bike are both thanking me for stopping. Next stop, Espania - anyone reading have any kind of spanish bike vocabulary they'd care to pass along?


Anonymous said...

Hey Simon

Happy you've freed the comments, so I can post some.
I'm glad not to be the only one asking you about this strange piece of wood stuck on your frame. lol.

I think about your poor legs who may suffer in the Pyrénnée... good luck.

Julien (Compiègne couch)

Tom&Mik said...

Loved the vid and G&M article. Also the 'brief shot' at Eiffel Tower. Sorry no comments lately, trouble logging on (due to my defective geek gene)...thought you'd banned me for bad puns! btw, enlarging the pix to the max shows incredible detail on l'Arc de T. etc.

Mom & I are loving your journey, we're living life velo-cariously. (See many grey-beards on the road? I'm getting ideas.)

I bet your french has improved, next comes espanol, no?...via con dios mi amigo.


Anonymous said...

Everyone at the WaaZuBee Cafe is enjoying your trip. All the best as you enter Spain. You'll love Barcelona.

Stephen and the WaaZuBee Cafe crew

Chris the Biking Penguin said...

I'll try to dig up some bikey-Espagnol-words

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.