Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well now - I realize I've dropped off the face of the earth for a while now; don't worry, it just means I'm having fun. Barcelona has a way of swallowing you up whole, and I have met a lot of people living here who 'just stopped for a week or two' - a few months or years ago.

I'm out of here tomorrow to start heading south to Valencia. From there I'm taking a ferry over to Ibiza (where I plan to spend as absolutely little time as possible) and a connecting boat to Formentara where my long time friend Ian lives on a pirate ship. Beaches and bbqs anticipated.

Expect more details when the fever of barca wears off and I get back into road mentality.


Tom&Mik said...

Great you're on the move again - time to haul out my atlas. We caught Brakes' performance at the Trout Lake Lantern Festival - they were super & the crowd loved 'em. They told us we only got the PG-13 version. The boys send their luv but are hungry for more Midnight posts, as are we all. Regards to Ian... Mom&Pop

Queer As Moi said...

However, the Brakes' later performance at Boylesque II the same night was HOT! :)

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are doing well. We were all wondering about you here ar the Cafe. Enjoy the trip to Velencia.

Stevo and the WaaZuBeee Cafe gang

Anonymous said...

broke my frame and have no Idea were i am going!!

Wyatt, Tim

Unknown said...

Tell Ian I said "RRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

I am excited for my own personal adventure: Opal and I are headed to Tofino next weekend. I understand it is sacrilegious that I have lived in Victoria for 6 years and never gone, so now is the time.

Hope you are having fun brother :)